Мы чествуем наших пожилых взрослых и тех, кто заботится о них!

Добро пожаловать в Choice in Aging Учебная платформа на базе IEDEIA.

Нажмите на курс, чтобы записаться на БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ учебный курс и начать учебный путь.



Предоставление ухода в многокультурной среде

Course Description:

The “Providing Care in a Multicultural Environment” course provides examples of courage, humility and understanding and how to create long lasting relationships where everyone can feel free to be their complete selves. Learners will hear from dynamic women who are the cornerstone of creating a welcoming, inclusive and supportive environment. We will review the tools, techniques and thought-provoking questions that have been discussed throughout the three-course series, designed to encourage learners to order to start making meaningful changes.

Type of course:



On-screen activities



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