We celebrate our aging adults and those who care for them!

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Successful Caregiving in a Congregate Setting

In California, it’s estimated that by the year 2030, 1 out of every 4 residents, or 25% of the statewide population, will be 60 or older, representing many different cultures and experiences. Many older adults have expressed a desire to be independent and live in their own homes, or with their families, while utilizing congregate care settings through adult day programs. That’s where you come in!

This course series will explore providing high-quality and customized congregate care in an equitable manner, addressing some of the challenges older adults might face, and the importance of your role in helping to create an environment where they, and you, retain their dignity and feel cared for.

Available & Upcoming Courses

Course 1: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

The “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging” course will help learners understand the impact of diversity in providing care to older adults, living in California. Learners will begin to understand the definition of diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as other meaningful terminology; the impact social identities can have on service and care; understanding implicit bias, how to recognize it and manage our own; the importance of showing empathy in service and care, and the need to learn cultural differences, which will help increase our awareness of the cultural experiences of those that we care for.


Defining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

In this segment learners will review basic Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging terminology, and identify possible ways our similarities, and our differences, impact the care we provide. Learners will understand how our unconscious or implicit biases might lead us to unconsciously view people of certain identities differently. Participants will also review common biases, driven by stereotypes, that people, and society as a whole, make about older adults.

Developing Cultural Competence

In this segment learners will begin to explore cultural awareness which requires that sensitivity to the differences between people, regardless of their shared backgrounds. Participants will learn tools to understand the cultural backgrounds and current practices of the older adults to connect on a deeper level. Cultural humility incorporates lifelong learning about other people’s cultures, which is an ongoing process of self-exploration and a willingness to learn.

Ethical Standards of Care

In this segment learners will explore how ageism can show up implicitly, which is unconscious, or explicitly, which is conscious, and some common bias behaviors when treating all older adults the same. Learners will also review 3 categories of providing ethical care. Learners will explore ways to be responsive to diverse cultural beliefs and practices, how to become culturally aware, and sensitive, using the HUMBLE model, an easily digestible, framework.

Taking Care of Your Diverse Needs

In this segment, learners will explore the 4 components of emotional intelligence, and identify ways to respond effectively to the actions and feelings of program participants. Learners will uncover strategies to minimize the best way to deal with a conflict while showing they care, and want to reach a solution. Participants will learn a practical approach to navigate and help resolve conflict in a way that focuses on finding a solution in an empathetic way using the LEAP method.

Enroll in this course today!

Course 2: Mid to Late Stage Alzheimer’s

The “Successful Caregiving in Congregate Settings: Mid to Late-Stage Alzheimer’s” course is specifically designed for those of you who work in congregate care settings, such as adult day programs, residential care facilities and assisted living. We will explore our ability to provide effective care in a trusting environment as the foundation we use to enrich and uplift the lives of people undergoing the serious changes that occur in the mid to late stages of dementia.


Successful Caregiving for People with Mid to Late-Stage Dementia

In this segment learners will understand the definition of dementia and common diagnoses for the moderate to severe stages of dementia. Leaners will also understand how to provide effective support for individuals who are very impacted by dementia through the Concept of Emotional Guardianship.

Developing Effective Communication Skills and Techniques

In this segment we will cover key characteristics of insightful communication when working with participants with mid to late-stage dementia. Our focus will include: Non-verbal Communication, Cultural Aspects and Effective Communication Strategies for great teamwork.

Creating a Supportive Environment in Dementia Activity Programs

This segment will focus on how Emotional Guardianship, communication and teamwork all combine to help you provide a vital and engaging activity program. In this section we dive into why sharing activities together is at the heart of creating joy and connection in every care setting for individuals living with dementia.

Using Emotional Guardianship to Provide Supportive Bathroom Assistance

This segment will help learners understand their role in assisting participants in the bathroom, which begins with developing a trusting relationship that will aid in successfully providing this delicate service. Learners will be provided with guidance into how to properly provide intimate care to those with dementia in a positive manner.

Enroll in this course today!

Course 3: Providing Care in a Multicultural Environment

The “Providing Care in a Multicultural Environment” course provides examples of courage, humility and understanding and how to create long lasting relationships where everyone can feel free to be their complete selves. Learners will hear from dynamic women who are the cornerstone of creating a welcoming, inclusive and supportive environment. We will review the tools, techniques and thought-provoking questions that have been discussed throughout the three-course series, designed to encourage learners to start making meaningful changes.


Multicultural Humility that leads to Belonging

In this segment we will discuss why it’s important to view the world and the people within our care from a multicultural perspective. In this segment, participants will learn how cultural awareness and cultural humility doesn’t require that we know everything about every culture, but it does compel us to act, to move beyond simply being aware of people’s cultural differences. We’ll also discuss the Platinum rule of treating people the way they want to be treated, which intentionally centers the people we serve and takes into consideration their unique cultural needs.

Examining our Service and Care with a Multicultural lens

In this segment we will cover how cultural competence helps in recognizing and addressing individual needs and preference, as well as those that represent people’s cultures. By incorporating multicultural knowledge, direct care professionals can deliver more equitable, respectful, and effective care to all patients, regardless of their cultural background. The learners will explore practical strategies such as cultural competence training, developing personalized care plans, acknowledging cultural celebrations, and encouraging participants and families to provide feedback.

Lessons learned from multi-cultural caregivers

In this segment we will hear from an expert on aging and discover what she and other caregivers have personally learned from this vibrant community. Namely, the beauty in multiculturalism and how being open to the cultures of the people we care for, can enrich our lives. Learners will also explore the role and responsibilities of being an ambassador for the aging community and acting as a bridge between older adults and society.

Telling our Stories: Successful caring for multicultural communities

This segment will provide learners with three specific ways that we can create a sense of belonging into our daily interactions with others. Learners will also hear from women who have made exceptional sacrifices, shown unwavering commitment to their communities and are setting the example of being culturally competent in showing dignity and respect to everyone. And finally, a recap highlighting the most important takeaways of this extraordinary program.

Enroll in this course today!